Ex 6:3 And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty,
but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them.
Isa 42: 8 I am the LORD
(translated from YHWH through Jehovah to Lord): that is my name: and my glory will I not
give to another, neither my praise to graven images. (Such as a crucifix, a madonna, baby
Look at this!
3068 Y^ehovah { yeh-ho-vaw’}
from 1961; TWOT - 484a; n pr dei
AV - LORD 6510, GOD 4, JEHOVAH 4, variant 1; 6519
GK - 3378 { hwIhyÒ ,hwhy
Jehovah = "the existing One"
1) the proper name of the one true God
1a) unpronounced except with the vowel pointings of 0136
1168 Ba`al { bah’-al}
the same as 1167; TWOT - 262a
AV - Baal 62, Baalim 18; 80
GK - 1252 { l['B'
Baal = "lord"
n pr m
1) supreme male divinity of the Phoenicians or Canaanites
2) a Reubenite
3) the son of Jehiel and grandfather of Saul
n pr loc
4) a town of Simeon, probably identical to Baalath-beer
Interesting, huh.
Our Messiah was not a Christian and no one ever called Him JESUS.
People are quick to hang their hats on this term by Acts 11:26. Most scholars
know that the early believers were known as Nazarenes as a sect in Judaism. They are ignorant to the fact that it was used
first by pagans and its root word is Cretin. See your dictionary: ETYMOLOGY:
French crétin, from French dialectal,
deformed and mentally retarded person found in certain Alpine valleys, from Vulgar Latin *christinus, Christian, human being, poor fellow, from Latin Chrstinus, Christian ; see Christian.
The pagans who used this name worshipped the god Serapis. See your encyclopedia:
Simply put, Serapis (Sarapis, Zaparrus) was an invented god. He was a composite of several Egyptian and Hellenistic deities
who was introduced to the world at the beginning of the Ptolemaic (Greek) Period in Egypt during the reign of Ptolemy I, though his legacy lasted well into the Roman period. Thus, he was meant to form a bridge between the Greek and Egyptian religion
in a new age in which their respective gods were bought face to face with each other, so that both Egyptians and Greeks could
find union in a specific supreme entity.
Linguistically, the god's name is a fusion of Osiris and the bull Apis, which by the Greek period might be said to have represented the essence of
Egyptian religion. In fact, a cult of this combination god, named Osirapis (or Userhapi, Asar-Hapi), had existed in Egypt
prior to the rule of the Ptolemies. Osirapis was basically the sacred bull of Memphis after its death. According to the hieroglyphic
texts which were found on stelae and other objects in the Serapeum at Sakkara, established long before the Greek Period, Apis is called "the life of Osiris, the lord of heaven, Tem {with} his horns {in}
his head." and he is said to "give life, strength, health, to thy nostrils for ever."
The word "Jesus" has no meaning in Hebrew although he was a Hebrew. The closest
Hebrew word o the Greek "sus" is "soos" meaning HORSE. The word "Jesus" in the Latin is "Hey-Zeus". Why don’t we call
Him by His real name?
Even Eve’s name is not Eve. It is Chawwah. Strongs says 2332 Chavvah
{ khav-vaw’}. So, where did the word "Eve" come from? Are we to just accept what we are told without even researching
to see if we are told the truth? Not me!
Now for that TABOO subject = THE LAW
We have been taught that we are under grace and not under the law, which in
effect means we can pretty much do as we like since we as Christians are not subject to the law any longer. WRONG!
2 Tim 4:3 For the time will come when they
will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
2 Tim 4:4 And they shall turn
away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. (Falsehood)
We ARE under grace. I always wondered about this thing called "grace". I know
we have done nothing to deserve salvation therefor it took the grace of our heavenly Father to grant grace to us for salvation.
The rub is, it seemed that grace was at odds with the commandments. That having grace we now do not have to obey the commandments.
We are able to do all these things that before our Savior came we could not. So, now we are able to worship images, murder,
steal, disrespect our parents, lie, lust, and adulterate. Not so. What then? Is it law or grace? Messiah did not come and
die so we could commit murder with impunity or steal with no fear of punishment from our Father. It is not law OR grace. They
are not at odds with one another. It is law AND grace. The moral law (10 commandments) and grace if understood correctly has
the ability to make us more spiritually complete than we are now. Our Savior had no intentions for us to go about taking another
man’s wife or life. He did intend us to stop sacrificing because HE is our sacrifice. All the pomp and circumstance
surrounding the sacrificial observance has been done away with, "nailed to the tree" with Messiah.
Look at the Moral Law below and consider which one or ones you disagree with.
Which one is impossible for you to keep? Which ones are not in effect now that our Savior has come and gone and will come
again? Which ones were nailed to the cross?
I have shortened them for readability sake.
1. Exo 20:3 You will have no other gods before
2. Exo 20:4 You will not bow to any images.
3. Exo 20:7 You will not take the name of the
LORD thy God in vain.
4. Exo 20:8 Remember the sabbath day, to
keep it holy.
5. Exo 20:12 Honor your father and your mother.
6. Exo 20:13 You will not murder.
7. Exo 20:14 You will not commit adultery.
8. Exo 20:15 You will not steal.
9. Exo 20:16 You will not bear false witness.
10. Exo 20:17 You will
not covet.
The Almighty says:
Lev 20:7 Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be
ye holy: for I am the LORD your God.
Lev 20:8 And ye shall keep my statutes,
and do them: I am the LORD which sanctify you.
What does "holy" mean? It means to be separate, set apart, peculiar in the
sense that we be not part of the crowd.
Look at this. Do you remember when Israel was taken Captive? Shalmaneser king
of Assyria took them captive because God allowed it because they disobeyed His CommandmentS. Plural. How many? All ten of
2 Kin 17:13 Yet the LORD testified against
Israel, and against Judah, by all the prophets, and by all the seers, saying, Turn ye from your evil ways, and keep my commandments
and my statutes, according to all the law which I commanded your fathers, and which I sent to you by my servants the prophets.
2 Kin 17:14 Notwithstanding they would not
hear, but hardened their necks, like to the neck of their fathers, that did not believe in the LORD their God.
2 Kin 17:15 And they rejected his statutes,
and his covenant that he made with their fathers, and his testimonies which he testified against them; and they followed vanity,
and became vain, and went after the heathen that were round about them, concerning whom the LORD had charged them, that they
should not do like them.
Now, Here He is again as the Son of Man. Same person. Same one that was the
pillar at night and the cloud by day. Same one that wrote the TEN Commandments with His own finger. He has not changed His
mind. He said, "I change not". Why do we think He has?
Mat 5:17
Think not that I
am come to destroy
the law, or the
prophets: I am not
come to destroy, but
to fulfill.
Mat 5:18
For verily I say
unto you, Till heaven
and earth pass, one
jot or one tittle
shall in no wise pass from
the law, till all
be fulfilled.
Mat 5:19
Whosoever therefore shall
break one of these
least commandments, and shall
teach men so, he
shall be called the
least in the kingdom
of heaven: but whosoever
shall do and teach
them, the same shall be
called great in the
kingdom of heaven.
For you kids out there who do not know the definition of sin, I have provided it here.
1 Joh 3:4 Whosoever committeth
sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.
There it is. The definition. Who can argue with that? Disobeying GODS law
is SIN! What law? Not the sacrificial law for we have our sacrifice in Yashua (Jesus).
Stop right now and ask yourself what sin is. Ask yourself this question,
"What action would I commit in order for it to be sin?" I bet you came up with one of the commandments above. Now, which ones
does our God command? All ten of them? Right. None excluded.
Many attempt to teach that Paul taught against the law. Paul loved the law
and said it many times. Why would he say he loves it in one letter and say it is out of date in another? He did not. These
teachers of today’s Christianity do not want to adhere to God’s Law. Besides, none will argue with you that it
is sin to murder or adulterate. They will all say that that will draw the punishment of God Almighty. It is the Sabbath they
take issue with. For some reason it is the one commandment they refuse to teach as righteousness. They have NO issue with
the other nine. NONE.
The Fourth Commandment
There are so many traditions of men that we follow that we no longer know
what the Writings say. Christians go to church every Sun-day and feel good that they are starting the week out right. But,
what about the seventh day? The Creator made the seventh day for US to rest as He did. Ever think that it is the fourth and
longest commandment of them all? And look at the company it is in. To fail in one is to fail in them all. I was asked once
if a person would go to hell if he did not obey the fourth commandment. I said, I did not know. I still do not know but I
do know it is one of the Ten. The religious world has NO problem with nine of these commandments. Why is it so difficult to
obey the one law that our Father told us to remember to keep? The seventh day is the day people do their shopping, lawn-mowing,
car washing, overtime at work. When the subject of the Sabbath comes up, there is always someone who says, "But the Sabbath
was made for man, not man for the Sabbath". RIGHT! God knew that man would work himself to death to get things, mainly because
of his greed, so He gave us ONE day out of seven to REST! He made it for us, TO REST. Sure, the ox gets in the ditch. But,
how often does he REALLY fall into the ditch? What MUST you do on God’s commanded rest day that cannot wait until the
next day?
What do others say when someone understands and begins to obey the fourth
commandment? Why, people talk. Friends leave. They call them a Jew, a seventh day Adventist. And all they are doing is obeying
JHWH. Hmmm. Peculiar, huh.
Exo 19:5 Now therefore, if ye will obey
my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is
WOW! A TREASURE TO THE ALMIGHTY GOD! Think of that! And all we have to do
is keep His covenant. How difficult can that be? Look at the rules listed above.
People are beginning to study for themselves. It is a slow movement, but a
movement none the less. They began to leave the churches in droves and are still leaving. The church does not TEACH. It preaches
AT them. It is still a feel good thing and they do not even notice that their people are leaving.
Ministers will tell you to study and confirm what they preach. They know you
will not. Some preachers are blatantly fleecing their congregation. However, think they are obeying our Father. Sad to say,
they do this because they do not study either. They read through the eyes of others as we do. Out here in Texas I learned
(without mentioning names) there are those who purchase their sermons. Some sermon writers even advertise in the daily paper.
I was once speaking to a pastor after service. I was very young and as a matter of fact so was he, I, like everyone else in
school had been taught evolution. At that time, it was taught to be one of the workings of the Creator. All of a sudden, he
pounced on me about my belief in evolution. There was no instruction in his mockery. It did hurt my feelings a bit. But, I
survived. Instead of teaching how evolution is impossible, he just made fun of me. Well, it was quite a few years later that
I learned how impossible evolution was. But, I had to do it on my own.
Our churches have become social clubs where folks meet to get their weekly
dose of feel-goodness. The members of these social clubs pay for the building and utilities through what they are taught are
tithes. Look in your Bible and count the times our Savior took up offering in the synagogue? How many times did Paul take
up offering for himself or the church? All I am saying is, "STUDY!" People will tell you they read their Bible every
day like it is some kind of badge of honor. It is not. We are admonished to study, not read.
I do not mean to ridicule anyone. However, people need to know the truth.
They are not getting it in church. I did not. I had to study on my own to learn it. As I studied, I was led to historical
references. In these references, I found that today’s Christianity is not what the founders intended at all! Peter would
turn over in his grave. Paul would say, "I told you so." Our Savior is saying now, "Come out of her my people."
The Word of the Almighty is such a wonderful thing. When studied and not only
read, it is a very exciting adventure. Also, history will tell a great deal. Did you know that the cross, representing Christ
crucified was not even used until the time of Flavius Valerius Constantinus in the fourth century AD? That Christmas was never
celebrated in America until the Catholics came over? That the celebration of Easter (Ishtar) began in 325 AD at the council
of Nicaea? That the Sabbath was outlawed in 321 AD under penalty of death? If these are not doctrines taught as commandments
and traditions of men, I do not know what would be then.
Mat 15:8 This people draweth nigh unto me with
their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.
Mat 15:9 But in vain they
do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
When will this happen? It is happening NOW!
Who is doing this? WE ARE!
I heard that. I heard you say, "not me, oh, no, no, no. Not me." Think again
my friend. Do you own any idols? Like a cross necklace? A fish emblem (supposedly representing fishers of men)? How about
angel jewelry? By the way, angels do not have wings. So, where did the wings come from? Look it up, you will be surprised.
The wings of angels came on the scene donated by the CHURCH! If you think these things are trivial, then you have not read
what our Creator thinks of them.
And you say, "That sounds terribly legalistic to me."
Your point being? Do you think it is sin to be legalistic, if that is what
it is? Would our God frown at us being legalistic? Would it disappoint Him for us to keep ALL His commandments? ALL ten of
Col 2: 8 Beware lest any man spoil you through
philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
So, we are "saved" then what do we do? We learn to worship Ishtar, the winter
solstice, the sun, and that we should be at church every first day of the week to avoid punishment from God Almighty. Once
many years ago, a young man in our church went fishing on Sunday after church service. The other young men railed on him for
doing so on Sunday. Another group said the second group was being legalistic. Besides what is "legal" is "right." What is
"illegal" is "wrong." Right? Right.
They all were wrong. The poor fellow was devastated. I think he quit coming
to church then, I am not really sure on that. The point is, he went fishing on the Sun-day, not the Sabbath. And if he did
go on the Sabbath. What of it? We are to rest on the Sabbath and do no work or cause anyone else to work. Anyway, we are taught
to ignore the Sabbath, which is God’s signature. I have read others thoughts on the Sabbath and already they are adding
to it too. In Genesis God says to rest on the Sabbath. The writers on the subject of the Sabbath are saying we are to study,
meditate, pray, and reflect on our Creator. I have not found that written in the Word yet.
We are never taught what righteousness is. "Righteousness" comes from the
Hebrew word { tsad-deek’}, Strongs 6662 and the Greek word { dik’-ah-yos}, Strongs 1342. It means to be lawful,
observing divine laws. What law? We are under grace, right? Right. We are also to obey His Commandments also thereby obeying
the law and being righteous. Jesus said,
Joh 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
This is easy to understand. Show you love Him by keeping His Commandments.
Joh 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father
will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
This is easy to understand. Show your love by keeping His words.
Joh 14:24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father’s
which sent me.
This is easy to understand. Confirm you do not love Him by NOT keeping
His sayings.
Joh 15:10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments,
and abide in his love.
This is easy to understand. Keep His Commandments.
Jesus kept His Father’s commandments. Was Jesus God in flesh?
Did He not write the Ten Laws with HIS OWN FINGER? Did He change His mind? For what purpose would He change His mind? It must
break our Heavenly Father’s heart to see us disobeying Him so openly and praising Him with our lips and not our hearts.
If we truly love Him, we keep His commandments. This is also saying, if we do NOT keep His Commandments we do NOT love Him.
This is a true saying. It means the same in any language or any way a spin can be put on it.
Mat 15: 7 Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy
of you, saying,
Mat 15: 8 This people draweth nigh unto me with
their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.
Mat 15: 9 But in vain they do worship me,
teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
Three days? Two days? One and one half days?
Mat 12:40 For as Jonas was three days and
three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
Joh 19: 31 The Jews therefore, because it
was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the Sabbath day, (for that Sabbath day was an high
day,), (not the weekly Sabbath), besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they
might be taken away.
In the above verse, THIS Sabbath day was not a Saturday as is programmed into
us. It is an HIGH DAY! It is the yearly Shabbat (Passover) not the weekly Saturday Sabbath. This specific Sabbath came on
a Thursday. He suffered on a Wednesday and raised before sun-up sometime on the Sabbath.
Mat 28:1 In the end of the sabbath, as it
began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.
"In the end of the Sabbath, as it BEGAN to DAWN TOWARD….."That
is a miracle in itself. Friday night, Saturday morning, Saturday night then Sun-day morning are two days any way you look
at it. Friday night and Saturday night are two nights. Saturday morning and the Sun-day morning are two mornings. Hmmm. What
gives here? Ok, we will look at it this way. He died before sundown Friday, so then that would be Friday day, Friday night,
Saturday morning, Saturday night, Sun-day morning. Now count them. Still three days and two nights. What then?
So far we have established that our Savior did NOT resurrect on a Sunday.
Agreed? Certainly. When the two mary’s showed up the angel said, "He is not here: for he
is risen," He was gone by the time they got there.
Now, for a little analysis:
(Pay close attention kids.)
Using Jewish Time=Sundown to Sundown
If we calculate using the Jewish reckoning of time from sundown to sundown,
it goes like this: It cannot happen because the sixth hour would be close to midnight and the ninth hour would be close to
3:00 AM. In this time frame the sun would not have been up in order for the phenomenon of darkness to be over the land from
the sixth hour to the ninth hour when it is inferred to be light at Luke 23:44. However, even if the day started at sundown
on the day before the High Day (Passover), He would have died at approximately 3:00 AM. Still dark. From 3:00 AM Wednesday
to 3:00 AM Saturday is easy three days and three nights.
(Now, it gets easier kids.)
Calculating from Midnight to Midnight
This calculation would put Jesus’s death at approx 9:00 AM on Wednesday.
So, Wednesday 9:00 AM to Saturday 9:00 AM is three days and three nights.
Calclating from morning to morning. This would put Jesus’s death at
approximately 3:00 PM Wednesday. From 3:00 PM Wednesday to 3:00 PM Saturday is three days and three nights. The Holy Days
including the weekly Sabbath have always run from Sundown to Sundown, (depending on who you talk to).
The Partial Day Theory
Yes, I have heard the partial day theory. This theory says the Jews counted
partial days as whole days no matter how much of the day is being calculated. This is ridiculous. These theorists do not even
take into account what the Gospels say concerning the timing of His resurrection which was just covered. He resurrected on
a Sabbath. He was already gone by Sunday, the first day to the week.
Mat 12: 40 For as Jonas was three days and
three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
Did He mean two and a half days? Or did He mean what He said? Understanding
or believing this fact may not be a salvation issue but when you add up ALL the traditions we believe in, what does it make
us? When you add up all the doctrinal teachings and traditions from the abolition of the Sabbath to the changing of our Father’s
and His Son’s name, what does it make us? PAGAN!
We "Christians" are a strange lot. We will argue over Pre-trib, Mid-trib.
or Post-trib, but we let the word "Jesus" (hey zeus) roll off our lips like we know that is His name.
We must turn to our own God, YHWH (hwhy) and His son Yahushua Ha Meshiach
(hcaihsem ah auhsuhay)
Why do we find it so hard to obey when we know what the truth is? What is
so hard to truly worship the Creator with the adoration He so totally deserves?
I will tell you. We do not want to stand out among our brothers and sisters
and friends. We do not want to appear peculiar to our friends and pastor. We do like to take part in the festivities of the
various religious holidays (holy-days) because we are expected to or else be called Scrooge, party-pooper, and so on. We cannot
be a holy people without being apart from the crowds. Even the word "holy" means to be set apart. Do you know anyone who is
"set apart" from the others? Or, are all the folks you know just like everyone else. They all believe the same, and believe
they are a parculiar people but act as if they are part of the world system to avoid ridicule and shame by others. We are
not a set-apart people like we think we are. We are part and parcel of the whole world system. When we encounter the truth,
it is so foreign to us, it must be a false teaching, we think.
1 Peter 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation,
a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out
of darkness into his marvellous light:
What will we be? Will we be a peculiar people? Or, will we continue in our
comfortable state of mind? You are a good church member, right? You go every week and during revivals. You go to all the special
functions. You are a good Christian. Where are membership, attendance, revivals, and special functions scriptural? Membership
gives the impression of a social club. Be a peculiar people to our Father.
When the church writings of the so-called church fathers finally emerged from
its own dark ages of approximately 120 years after Paul’s ministry, it was a very different church than what our Savior
set up. Paul taught and fought against the apostasy. But it was early in coming. It is not future like most think. It is NOW!
We are in the middle of it, or maybe at the end, or near the end. The church world is still waiting on the apostasy not knowing
we are already practicing it.
I am really concerned about our nation. Our nation is sliding fast. I pray
often for it and our peoples. We are Abraham’s descendents even if through the blood of Christ Yahushua. Those of us
who cannot reach the masses must reach at least one at a time. One soul brought to light and truth is priceless. Most will
not listen and that is a shame. Most will not study and that is a shame. Most will die in their sins and never know the joy
of our Lord and His Law. We go about our daily lives oblivious to the lies we live. Our minds and hearts have been seared
with a hot iron. I pray that our Creator will humble His people and open their eyes. But, our God does not force himself on
anyone. So, it will not happen without a Watchman. It is not only the sinner or layman that has chosen ignorance; it is also
the ministers, teachers, and evangelists. I have no one close by to fellowship with. Most around me are Catholics, or some
kind of belief that allows them to do whatever they wish and still be of the Promise. Most are, I do not know what they are,
I cannot describe them. I do have some I can fellowship with but they are about a thirty-minute drive away.
When I bring up, at work, some of the things I have expounded on here they
throw out the obvious verses that refute what I proved or so they think. I do not argue with them or attempt to convince them.
I just smile and hope they will do the study for themselves. I know they have not studied by the answers I get. They quote
only what they have heard. They will quote to me
Rom 14:5 One man esteemeth one
day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.
And they stop there. When in fact if Paul was saying that the Sabbath was
no longer a commandment, why did he observe it long after the crucifixion? Why was it still practiced in the second century
when Constantine outlawed it? To stop the Sabbath worship, the then church leader made it a penalty of death, and exercised
it "religiously". Pun intended.
If Jesus had done away with the Sabbath, it is inconceivable that Paul would
have been ignorant of the fact. Yet if Jesus had done away with the Sabbath and Paul knew of it, it is absolutely inconceivable
that Paul would not have cited this as proof of his own alleged teachings against the Sabbath, if he had them.
Certain scriptures in Paul's writings are often cited as proof of his alleged
attitude that Sabbath observance is unnecessary or even evil. For example, it is often held that Romans 14:5-6 shows that
it does not matter which day one keeps holy, but this is actually nowhere stated. Since eating is mentioned several times
in the passage, some commentators suggest it may be a question of fast days or something else to do with food. Verse 5 speaks
of esteeming one day above another but says nothing about the reason for the preference. The word "esteem" (Greek krino) is
not otherwise used of keeping a holy day. Similarly, in verse 6, the word phroneo ("regardeth," in the KJV; is not otherwise
used to refer to the observance of festivals. To use this passage as proof that Paul no longer believed Sabbath observance
to be necessary requires anti-Sabbatarians to demonstrate that this is in fact what lies behind the statement, something that
has not been done up to this time.
Col 2:16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink,
or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath [days]:
Col 2:17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body [is] of Messiah
Notice that these things ARE a shadow of things to come. Not WERE a shadow
but ARE a shadow. We will be keeping these things in Yahweh's kingdom. (See Zech. 14, Isa 66) In this scripture, the words
in parentheses are added by the translator. This is because the translator did not understand or had a biased opinion about
what the greek text meant. Here is how this should read:
Col 2:16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink,
or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath
Col 2:17 which are a shadow of things to come; but
the body of Messiah.
Of all the modern translations, only a few such as the King James Version translate
the word "Body" in verse 17 correctly. The NIV totally butchers this verse.
The word "body" in verse 17 does mean "body". It is Strong's #4983. Look it
up and see for yourself.
In the KJV, this greek word is translated:
- "body" 144 times
- "bodily" 1 time in 2cor. 10:10
- "slave" one time in Rev. 18:3.
In fact, this same greek word is translated "body" only two verses later!
Now, keeping that in mind this verse should read :
Let no man therefore judge you in meat, drink, etc (which are a shadow of
things to come) BUT THE BODY OF MESSIAH!
In other words, we should let only the body of the Messiah judge us! Can we
as brethren in Messiah judge each other? Certainly!
It is my earnest desire that you who read this will study. If I am wrong,
then I will stand corrected and repent. If, on the other hand, YOU are found at fault by your own study, then it is you who
must repent.
We as servants have a very important duty to perform. We are the watchmen.
The stakes are the very highest. The souls of men, women and children are at stake. We have ONE chance in life then we go
to our reward. If we will obey our Creator and His Son, our rewards are so great, that we, in these bodies cannot fathom.
If on the other hand, we do not obey . . . . .
If you have gotten this far, then you may have a bit to think about. If you
have been disobeying our Father’s Commandments, now is the time to repent and turn to Him. Obey His Commandments and
be a peculiar treasure.
Or, you can continue as you are. There are two masters. Both cannot be served.
One must choose one or the other. When we are shown the truth and ignore it in favor of our own lifestyles we put ourselves
in grave danger
1 Tim 1:7 Desiring to be teachers of the law;
understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm.
1 Tim 1:8 But we know that the law is good, if
a man use it lawfully;
1 Tim 1:9 Knowing this, that the law is not made
for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for
unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,
1 Tim 1:10 For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for
perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;
Believe NOTHING until you question EVERYTHING!I welcome any thought-out opinions
on this.
If you think I am Wrong, then you had BETTER be right!
One more thing before I close. We, in this country, the greatest nation this
world has ever known, blessed by God Almighty Himself, have been taught that we are gentiles. How do we know? It is said that
a non-Jew is a gentile. Where is that evidence? We hear of the lost ten tribes. They are scattered throughout the world. How
do we know whether we are gentile or Israelite? Once we have determined the answer to that question, then we will understand
the Word better. Thomas Payne, after reading Jer 51:20-23, and observing the Jews of his time, became an athiest because he
said there was no way such a small people were the object of that prophecy, therefor the Bible was a lie and could not be
I agree with him that the tribe of Judah will not be the recipient of that
prophecy. He saw the Jews as being the whole nation of Israel. A sad misunderstanding on his part.
Some Recommended Reading.
KJV Bible by you know who.
Can be obtained almost anywhere.
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance.of the Bible by James Strong
See for youself what is really said.
Can be obtained where the KJV is found (usually).
From Sabbath to Sunday by Samuele Bacchiocchi
How did the Sabbath change and who changed it?
Can be obtained at http://www.biblesabbath.org
Judah’s Sceptre and Joseph’s Birthright
Where are the lost ten tribes?
Can be obtained in good bookstores
L L Stevenson
IM netzero48
Also, this letter can be viewed on the Internet at:
Yes, there is more . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I found this little piece in Clarence Larkin’s writings.
It appears that man’s biological clock is set to seven too. As in E.
W. Bullinger’s book "Number in Scripture":
"With the Human species it (gestation period) is 280 days (or
40x7). Man appears to be made on what we may call the seven-day principle. In various diseases the seventh, fourteenth, and
twenty-first are critical days; and in others seven or 14 half-days. Man's pulse beats on the seven-day principle, for Dr.
Stratton points out that for six days out of the seven it beats faster in the morning than in the evening, while on the seventh
day it beats slower. Thus the number seven is stamped upon physiology, and he is thus admonished, as man, to rest one day
in seven. He cannot violate this law with impunity, for it is interwoven with his very being. He may say, I will rest when
I please," --one day in ten, or irregularly, or not at all. He might as well say of his eight day clock, "It is mine, and
I will wind it up when I please." Unless he wound it at least once in eight days, according to the principle on which it was
made, it would be worthless as a clock. So with man's body. If he rests not according to the Divine law, he will, sooner or
later, be compelled to "keep his Sabbaths," and the rest which he would not take at regular intervals, at God's command, he
has to take at the command of man all at once! Even in this case God gives him more rest than he can get for himself; for
God would have him take 52 days' rest in the year, and the few days' "change" he is able to get for himself is a poor substitute
for this. It is like all man's attempts to improve on God's way." Very interesting.
God made it so we cannot escape with excuse from observing the Sabbath! Let
me show you something. In studying the Word I noticed that the creation and rest took seven days. Why not six? Why not five?
The Jewish calendar has 30 days. Even! Now the Jewish calendar needed adjusting every 19 years to keep it accurate. Notice
this, 5 will go into 30 (1 month) 6 times equaling 6 weeks per month. 6 will go into 30 5 times equaling 5 weeks per month.
EVEN. It takes one rotation of the earth around the sun to make a year. One rotation of the earth on its axis to make a day.
Everything seems to work in unison. Except the day that our Creator named as a day of rest for all mankind: The Sabbath.
Because of the greed and pomp of Augustus Caesar and Julius Caesar changing
the calendar to indulge their inflated egos, they unwittingly forced man to deal with the Sabbath. Now we have seven months
with 31 days. Four months with 30 days and then there is February with 28, and 29 days. Seven will not go into these months
easily. For that matter the only month it will fit is February and that being a non-leap year. So, man is forced to work around
the "7". Thereby making it very observable and obvious to one who is searching for answers.
To see what renown Catholics and Protestants say about the Sabbath "Weekly Sabbath" on this site, or click here
L L Stevenson
IM netzero48
Also, this letter can be viewed on the Internet at: