A Peculiar People

Exo 19:5 ‘And now, if you diligently obey My voice, and shall guard My covenant, then you shall be My treasured possession above all the peoples – for all the earth is Mine –

Want to know the truth about TITHING!? Go Here;

Above is a calendar of events.  Please check it for upcoming events.  The next event is Yom Kippur.  After that is Feast of Tabernacles.  Check the calendar for further details.

Something to think about: What if the New Jerusalem was placed in this order? It is going to be quite a large city. Depending on how you read Revelation 21:16. The city could be 1,500 miles long, wide and high, or 375 miles long, wide and high. Either way it will be HUGE!


This is me.
Webmaster - Luke
  From this page you will find information about the commanded feasts of the Lord. 
    There is more information on the Feast of Tabernacles than any of the others.  The reason for this is that Messiah will command the nations of the world to observe this feast or
 suffer no rain and plagues during the millenium.  So, you might as well form the habit now.
    You will find links to Feast sites the world over.  I hope this will assist you in locating the right site for you.

Bennie Blount Ministries. GREAT E-BOOKS! Including James Ussher's Anals of the World, The Works of Josephus, ETC.




trich·i·no·sis (trĭk'ə-nō'sĭs)n.

A disease caused by eating undercooked meat, usually pork, that contains trichinae, which develop as adults in the intestines and as larvae in the muscles, causing intestinal disorders, fever, nausea, muscular pain, and edema of the face.


What is trichinosis?

Trichinosis, also called trichinellosis, is caused by eating raw or undercooked pork and wild game products which are infected with the larvae of a species of worm called Trichinella spiralis. Infection occurs worldwide, but is most common in areas where raw or undercooked pork, such as ham or sausage, is eaten.

What are the symptoms of trichinosis?

The initial symptoms of trichinosis are abdominal discomfort, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, fatigue, and fever.

These symptoms are usually followed by headache, fever, chills, cough, eye swelling, aching joints, muscle pains, itchy skin, and diarrhea or constipation.

As the infection intensifies, patients may experience difficulty coordinating movements, and heart and breathing problems. In severe cases of trichinosis, death can result.

Can you have trichinosis and not know it?

Often, mild cases of trichinosis are never specifically diagnosed and are assumed to be the flu or other common illnesses.

How soon after infection do the initial symptoms of trichinosis appear?

Abdominal symptoms can occur 1-2 days after infection. Further symptoms usually start 2-8 weeks after eating the contaminated meat.

What determines the severity of the symptoms?

Symptoms may range from very mild to severe. The severity of symptoms relates to the number of infectious worms consumed in the meat.


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